Live Well

How to Help a Friend in Distress

Healthy Campus Team Season 2 Episode 9

This episode deals with discussing distressing situations and dysfunctional coping mechanisms. 

These include topics regarding self-inflicted violence - also known as self-harm, intimate-partner violence, drug and alcohol abuse, and traumatic events that can cause distress in people's lives. 

In this episode, we explore how to help a friend in distress and how to take care of yourself while doing it. From supporting intimate partners to maintaining personal boundaries, the host, Liv Taylor, leads discussions with Janet Miller and Jessie Bach examining some of the challenges university students are facing. 

The Live Well podcast explores the voices and experiences of students, staff, and faculty at Mount Royal University. This Podcast is intended to be conversation-based, informal, and all about hearing from our MRU community. We will cover a range of health topics and invite people from all across campus to share their experiences and insights. This podcast is hosted by the Healthy Campus Team of Wellness Services.  

Our theme song is "Feeling Sunny" By Scott Holmes. 
This podcast was edited by Jessie Bach and supported by the Community Podcast Initiative.


Distress Centre (24-Hour Crisis Line)
Call or text: 403.266.4357
Instant chat:

Access Mental Health
Call: 403.943.1500
Tollfree: 1.844.943.1500

Stepping UP Program
Stepping UP | MRU 

CDC Intimate Partner Violence Prevention
Fast Facts: Preventing Intimate Partner Violence 

Student Counselling Services
Call: 403.440.6362
Operating Hours: Monday- Friday from 9am- 4pm
Room: U216 Mount Royal University

Family Violence Resources in Canada
Find family violence resources and services in your area - 

Mount Royal University Wellness Services
Call: (403) 440-8877