Live Well

Food & Nutrition as a Student

Healthy Campus Team Season 2 Episode 1

Podcast Transcript:

Episode Title:
Food & Nutrition as a Student

Denika Hartwick, Psychology Student, Peer to Peer Mental Health Educator
Rachel Timmermans, VP External 2021-2022, SAMRU
Dr. Lynne Lafave, Associate Professor, Department of Health and Physical Education
Telaina Sewers (she/her), Health Promotion Specialist, Wellness Services

Length of Time:
27 minute

In this episode, students and faculty discuss the following questions:

  • How does nutrition impact students and academic success?
  • What are some good study snack ideas?
  • Why is water intake an important part of nutrition and how does it support success?
  • How can we incorporate nutritious food into our diet while staying in a budget?
  • What are some easy meal planning tips if we feel we do not have the time or energy to meal plan? 

Resources Mentioned:

SAMRU Good Food Box 

SAMRU Reception | Z222 |

SAMRU Free Breakfast Program

Peer Support Centre | Z210 |

SAMRU Food & Hygiene Cupboard

Peer Support Centre | Z210 |

SAMRU Care Cupboards

Various Locations (B wing 2nd floor, EA main floor, EB main floor, MRU library main floor, Cougars Concourse) |